In this issue:
Today, the ILC 2019 Daily News brings you highlights from the opening ceremony and plenary session and focuses on EASL’s pledge to tackle the big public health issues in liver disease – NAFLD, alcohol-related liver disease (ARLD) and the elimination of viral hepatitis.
In the opening address, Professors Tom Hemming Karlsen and Dominique Valla welcomed all delegates to ILC 2019. Professor Valla urged the audience to use this unique opportunity to ‘seek out knowledge that is missing in their everyday practice and understanding of liver disease and to have the curiosity to go beyond their individual fields, as there is much to be learned at the meeting points between different disciplines’. Professor Karlsen outlined some of EASL’s key commitments that will be represented at ILC in the coming days, including effecting change in public health policy, collaboration with sister societies, patient organisations and international partners, and continued excellence in clincial and scientific research to advance the treatment of liver disease.
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