European Testing Week – We need your feedback! Help us create a better European Testing Week experience

Dear ETW participant,

We truly value your feedback and take every suggestion you send us into consideration. That is why this year, we are asking you to provide us feedback on how you would envision European Testing Week 2018.

We are launching an open call to you, our incredible, hardworking ETW partners, to share your ideas on how we can make European Testing Week better than ever.

Are there any key groups you would like the campaign to focus on this year? Or maybe, you would like to see a focus on a certain topic you feel is important?  Or perhaps, you would like to see more attention on working with government officials and/or public health institutions?  Are there any new opportunities or new problems you think need to be addressed?    Any topic or suggestion you have … We want to hear from you!

Also, what would you like to see the European Testing Week Working Group do to make this upcoming ETW successful? Mentorship? More interaction? … Please let us know!

We would really appreciate if you completed our short 5 question survey on how we can improve European Testing Week. You can access the survey here.  Deadline to complete the survey is 31 August 2018.

After the deadline, we will review all of the submitted suggestions, then create a poll for you to vote and decide on what we should do for European Testing Week 2018.

We cannot wait to hear from you!


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